The Mitten Life

Signs of Abuse

I thank you for this episode especially. I was in an abusive relationship 10 years ago. I believed him at that time. He was charming and he made me feel “loved”. He went to church and introduced me to his congregation. At first I didn’t see any red flags. You see I was a single mother of 2 teenagers one 13 yrs and other 18 yrs. I was divorce from their father at that time 14 yrs ago., and I was lonely .I hadn’t dated anyone and I was reaching 42 yrs. I felt that it was my last chance for love. I eventually married him. I knew immediately after “I do “ it was a mistake. I should have listened to my family: my children,mother cousins and brothers. They were right about him. I escaped from his physical, emotional, and sexual and financial abuse. Sent my daughter away with family and my son was away in college. I secretly joined the military to get away from him. I did not at first desire divorce but he found me over 600 miles away and harassed me and tried to get me in trouble with my Army Commander. I finally decided to divorce him after reading 1Cor 7:15. I t was a revelation to me. Thank you for this. It’s healing and confirmation. I love you show!!!

June 10, 2024 by Belongs to Richard on Apple Podcasts

The Mitten Life

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