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Thank You So Much!!!!!
Your products is very helpful. I’m learning a lot 🤗 God bless you sis!! ❤️

So Grateful
I am a follower of Jesus Christ and coming across Dr Michelle is proof to me that God loves me. Like so many woman because of life circumstances and environments I was operating in the masculine and was unaware. After many failed relationships I finally started looking at myself and the Holy Spirit began to show me how I was acting aggressive and manly in several areas. I started to pursue the art/class/actions of femininity and began following a popular social media person on the topic of femininity but they were not Christian. This conflicted me because many things they said I knew was against the word of God. Then, I found Dr Michelle! I have been listening to her podcasts and plan to continue to listen. Dr Michelle is God’s answer for me on my pursuit to change and become the feminine woman I was created to be.

Life changing!
First off I have been viewing Dr.Michelle’s videos on YouTube and let me say it’s truly life changing and embracing our feminine beauty. Being raised from a single father I have struggled on how to be more feminine as opposed to exhibiting the masculinity. Thank you Dr.Michelle for giving me the chance to change the way I think and behave around the people around me as well as boosting my confidence and my overall self esteem.

And I’ll never be the same
God allowed me to stumble on Dr. Michelle’s channel when one of her videos auto-played after I was watching something completely unrelated. One of the things my ex used to complain about was that I looked like a woman but didn’t act like one. I never knew what he meant until I watched Dr. Michelle. Now I am dating my husband and I get to be who God designed me to be. Being a woman and not acting like one had me so far out of God’s will!! I could never be righteous and hold up clean hands going directly against how God made me. I grew up with a single mom with a masculine job who taught me nothing about being a feminine woman because she didn’t have the tools. Dr. Michelle is here to save the day. Resting in my femininity has made me a happier woman. The things my heart has always desired are drawn to me know because I’m aligned with my purpose. Thank you so much for this podcast.

awesome awesome awesome!
thank you so much this podcast is so insightful. i’m only 14 but you have inspired me to start my feminine journey now! once again thank you and god bless💕🙏🏽

Great information geared towards women of Christian faith.
I’m the type of person who can take what I need and leave the rest. If you are not into Jesus, that’s what you will need to do with this podcast. Great feminine information!

Thank you
I never leave reviews but this woman is changing my life and I truly am thankful

God spoke to me literally from you ❤️
How can I even start to describe my words... I literally played this episode 10X to get it through my hard headed self. Everything what you just said it’s me it’s me! What I’m going through. I’m a 25 single mother living with my parents. Going on to nursing school this year, I have my ups and downs as finding myself. And I keep going back to God so many times. Crying to him every time I fail or wake up from a nightmare the other night. When i can be overwhelmed and at times take it out on my little one, when she is just an innocent child. I’m stressed about everything in my life when it’s honestly isn’t bad I have a support with my own family. I just expect more of myself I see how cruel this world is more and more I do trust God how everything is for a reason, how WE ALL need to get right with God at all times have that good relationship,, how I feel so bad how I put myself in situations, when Try myself to be the best mother possible i feel that I fail some of the time bc she doesn’t have a somewhat father in her life it’s just hard to just watch her grow as a beautiful child and her dad misses it all like why would you miss out on your daughter growing... I know Im rambling and doesn’t make sense. But Im glad I’m just letting this out. I don’t have much friends but that is okay. I am just trying to work as much as I can and go home to my child that’s all I do, and ask online school for the moment... Its not all about friends i get that part. I am working on being a feminine woman, I love this way you explain everything that I would never think of, believe I am working on my attitude gets the best of me but I am getting better, I especially liked how you prayed at the end that spoke right to me. I had chills... Gods child i am, my daughter is Gods child ever since I became pregnant, & when she was born i dedicated my daughter to God. Anyways sorry for just rambling. Please please keep making these type of podcasts thank you beautiful God bless.

You touched my soul
Words can’t express how much you have touched my soul. I am changing my life one day at a time. I was raised as, what society would call, an “alpha female” by a single mother. I had to learn to help and support from a very young age. As an adult I was the primary provider for my mom and you younger siblings. I thought this was virtuous thing for me. But now I realise that made into a husband under the label “ms independent. Now I’m 39 divorced with 3 young children and a newborn. Just exhausted tired and broken hearted. My husband would always argue about how masculine I was and how I lacked femininity. I was so ignorant to all of his truths that I would lash back out and emasculate him in defence. Eventually he got tired, packed up and literally walked out the door with his family, leaving me with my 3 children( from a previous marriage) and pregnant with his. I was so broken and it is only God that Is healing me and has guided me to wonderful people like yourself; teaching lessons that my own mother and no other women in my life ever taught me. I am trying so hard to change, embrace My feminist and become the woman God designed me to be. I prayGod reconciles me with himself blesses me with anther food husband. I messed up on a good man if not the best man God had for me. So thank you for for sharing these life lessons. May God guide and bless you. It is well needed, especially in the African American Caribbean community.

Thank you for speaking truth! There is nothing new under the sun! God bless you and your ministry. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Amazing 10/10
Beautifully worded, amazing content! Helped me find my feminine side being raised in a very masculine atmosphere, helping me find who I am at my core ❤️ all ladies need to hear her speak!

Interesting take on modern life
Most guys I’ve talked to would disagree that they should pay for a first date. It’s confusing since you make it seem like all men would love to pay for it. Also, many scenarios I’ve been in when the man has paid, has left me feeling like I owe them something in return.

One of my faves!!
Love how inclusive she is, great tips and advice!! Thank you for helping me leave a feminine impression on this world!!🤍🙏🏼

I love this podcast! It has really helped my feminine journey! Dr. Michelle gives great information!

Absolutely love
I love this podcast. I had been searching for a née podcast for feminine women, this exceeded my expectations 💕

My guidance to my womanhood!
I’m a trans woman and I find this podcast by Dr. Michelle amazing! With transition you can get lost at times and Michelle has really helped me with my spirit. Her practices has helped me form the woman I’m becoming and I’m eternally grateful! Thank you! Ps I started reading the Bible that she talks about renewing your relationship with god and makes me feel reborn again! So grateful I stumbled across this podcast! Stay beautiful! 🥰☺️

Amazing! ❤️
I first found Dr. Michelle on YouTube and I absolutely love her podcast! She offers so much insight that I’ve applied to my personal life and I’ve noticed major improvements. I am truly grateful for her providing such helpful information.

Thank you Dr. Michelle for this week’s podcast! I watched you on YouTube because I was interested in your subjects. Now I see you have a podcast and decided to listen. I believe it was truly God that wanted me to listen to you because I am a Christian and was recently learning more about manifesting my dreams through LOA. You have confirmed that I do not need to study LOL to manifest my dreams. I need to continue my faith in God only. I do not want to block my blessings so I am discontinuing my study. Thank you again!

Real talk
I appreciate your honesty. Your truth without malice and the vibes you were talking about, is spirit. Your absolutely correct, when I feel off or weird vibe I change or turn off the show. Thank you for laying out the truth. I’m a Christian and sometimes people see me as oh you need to get hip to the new ways but nothing is new on earth and Jesus will order your steps accordingly if you seek him humbly.

You are so informative and positive!
Love you and your content. Thank you for being transparent, informative and positive! I love your podcast.

She is a natural born teacher
I originally watched Dr. Michelle on Youtube and decided to transition to her podcast platform so I can listen on the go and take notes. She is rich in knowledge and she is amazing and providing examples of how to analyze our own feminine traits. She is passionate about providing wisdom and she lives her life as a true testimony of her teachings. I am so glad I found her in perfect timing! ❤️

Listen on repeat
I wish more women would open themselves up to these types of messages. So often we think other women are born that way or naturally feminine but there’s a technique to it if you weren’t taught and Dr. Michelle has the guide

I Just Love This Podcast!
Michelle, I want to say thank you SO much for creating this podcast. As a black 25 year old mama of two toddlers, I feel that this podcast helps to keep me centered and reminds me daily to use my feminine energy to my benefit (in the chaos of being a toddler mom, this is so important). From this podcast, I am learning just how vital self care is . Not only is the wisdom that Michelle shares in this podcast super helpful, but Michelle’s voice is like silk, so relaxing. I listen to this podcast while I’m out running errands, and even sometimes when I’m laying down at night putting my 1 year old to sleep. This podcast is everything! Side note: I have been watching Michelle’s natural hair videos and vlogs on YouTube since 2013. Honestly, she’s like my best friend or big sister in my head lol. Thanks Michelle for your gifts!

Amazing lecture !
Thank you so much! I loved this. How can we forgive ourselves for over sharing to the wrong friend?

Dr. Michelle first let me say you are magnificent! Thank you for sharing your gift of femininity with us. I appreciate your insights and perspectives which have helped me to start seeing myself as some one who with value and worth. Again thank you and God bless you.

Amazing content hands down!
I want to thank you so much for making these very knowledgeable and detailed videos! You always cover the most critical points and dive into detail for the win! You are blessed!

I first found out about Dr. Michelle through Youtube while searching videos about femininity. Since watching her content and using her helpful information and tips I’ve noticed how well I’ve embraced my femininity. The information on her channel and podcast has helped me grow and evolve personally. I feel blessed, grateful and happier thanks be to God. God bless you Dr. Michelle and much success in your endeavors!

her aura is undeniable. This is evident through the free services she is so willing offer us ladies. Thanks, DR Michelle...

My favorite You-tuber ! I was so excited to see that you’ve started a podcast. You’ve been my biggest inspiration on my personal femininity journey. I feel so refreshed & like a whole different woman after listening to your voice. Forever thankful for you. Brb, going to binge the entire season !

She is Wonderful
I found Dr. Michelle on you tube while looking at another feminine video. I must say, since I have started watching the channel, as well as listening to the podcast, it has been so helpful in aiding in me channeling my inner feminine . Thank you so much Dr. Michelle, keep the content coming . You are amazing and beautiful. -Sonya.